Moto v3.1.17 Release Notes

  • Docker Digest for 3.1.17: sha256:8a7e397a8856a5e63ad50689cdc3638831112768b193ea0fc308ac7dfdac57f0

        * Werkzeug has been pinned to 2.1.x, as the latest 2.2.x releases cause some issues
    New Services:
        * CodeBuild:
            * batch_get_builds()
            * delete_project()
            * list_builds()
            * list_builds_for_project()
            * start_build()
            * stop_build()
        * Cost Explorer:
            * create_cost_category_definition()
            * delete_cost_category_definition()
            * describe_cost_category_definition()
            * update_cost_category_definition()
        * EMR Serverless:
            * create_application()
            * delete_application()
            * get_application()
            * list_applications()
            * start_application()
            * start_job_run()
            * stop_application()
            * update_application()
    New Methods:
        * Autoscaling:
            * delete_scheduled_action()
            * describe_scheduled_actions()
            * put_scheduled_update_group_action()
        * CloudFront:
            * create_distribution_with_tags()
            * create_invalidation()
            * list_tags_for_resource()
        * Glue:
            * create_schema()
            * delete_schema()
            * get_schema_by_definition()
            * get_schema_version()
            * put_schema_version_metadata()
            * register_schema_version()
        * Greengrass:
            * associate_role_to_group()
            * create_deployment()
            * disassociate_role_from_group()
            * get_associated_role()
            * get_deployment_status()
            * list_deployments()
            * reset_deployments()
        * IAM:
            * update_assume_role_policy()
        * IOT:
            * list_targets_for_policy()
        * KMS:
            * replicate_key()
        * MediaConnect:
            * add_flow_sources()
            * update_flow_source()
        * CloudFormation now supports the creation of AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction
        * CognitoIDP now supports pagination for list_groups() and list_users_in_group()
        * EC2:describe_instances() now supports the filter 'key-name'
        * IAM:create_access_key() now limits the number of keys per user to 2