Moto v3.1.11 Release Notes

  • Docker Digest for 3.1.11: sha256:bb359c5e57e38534eb8e934757354277fff30598ca305d0f18f68ddfe4ce6359

    New Methods:
        * GuardDuty:
            * create_filter()
            * delete_detector()
            * delete_filter()
            * enable_organization_admin_account()
            * get_detector()
            * get_filter()
            * list_organization_admin_accounts()
            * update_detector()
            * update_filter()
        * KMS:
            * create_grant()
            * list_grants()
            * list_retirable_grants()
            * retire_grant()
            * revoke_grant()
        * EC2:describe_network_acls() now supports the `entry.egress`-filter
        * EC2:run_instances() now supports validation for the KeyPair-parameter. This is disabled by default - set MOTO_ENABLE_KEYPAIR_VALIDATION to true to enable this.
        * EC2:run_instances() now supports validation for the ImageId-parameter. This is disabled by default - set MOTO_ENABLE_AMI_VALIDATION to true to enable this.