Moto v3.0.5 Release Notes

  • Docker Digest for 3.0.5: sha256:914ba446c1aad3917029fefe5d1c4a7a6a3866173391fb470151fe4a2163efcb

    New Services:
        * Textract:
            * get_document_text_detection()
            * start_document_text_detection()
    New Methods:
        * APIGateway:
            * delete_gateway_responses()
            * get_gateway_response()
            * get_gateway_responses()
            * put_gateway_response()
        * CloudTrail:
            * add_tags()
            * get_event_selectors()
            * get_insight_selectors()
            * list_tags()
            * put_event_selectors()
            * put_insight_selectors()
            * remove_tags()
            * update_trail()
        * CognitoIDP:
            * admin_set_user_mfa_preference()
        * S3Control:
            * create_access_point()
            * delete_access_point()
            * delete_access_point_policy()
            * get_access_point()
            * get_access_point_policy()
            * get_access_point_policy_status()
        * APIGateway: put_integration() now supports the timeoutInMillis-parameter
        * AWSLambda: Made the docker image repository selectable via the `MOTO_DOCKER_LAMBDA_IMAGE` environment variable.
        * Batch: register_job_definition() now supports the parameters `platformCapabilities`, `propagateTags` and `retryStrategy`
        * IAM: list_entities_for_policy() now returns the RoleId/GroupId/UserId-attributes
        * S3Control is now available in ServerMode.