Moto v2.2.14 Release Notes

  • Known bugs:
        * Running `pip install moto[all]` will not install all required dependencies.
        * Improved documentation for both users and contributors:

        * The `@mock_all`-decorator is now available to mock all services at the same time
        * The `moto.core.patch_client`/`moto.core.patch_resource`-methods are now available to patch boto3-clients and -resources instantiated after the mock was started.
          This provides a workaround when encountering InvalidAccessKeyId-errors.
    New Methods:
        * APIGateway:
            * delete_base_path_mapping()
        * EC2:
            * assign_ipv6_addresses()
            * assign_private_ip_addresses()
            * unassign_ipv6_addresses()
            * unassign_private_ip_addresses()
        * SSM:
            * create_maintenance_window()
            * delete_maintenance_window()
            * get_maintenance_window()
        * CloudFormation no longer throws errors when trying to update unsupported resources.
        * CloudTrail:get_trail_status() now also supports ARN's as a parameter
        * CognitoIDP:list_users() now supports the AttributesToGet-parameter
        * IOT:attach_policy() now supports Cognito IdentityPools as a target
        * IOT:list_job_executions_for_thing() now supports pagination
        * Kinesis:split_shards() now behaves more like AWS, by closing the original shard and creating two new ones
        * Logs:put_log_events() now enforces timestamp-validation
        * S3:create_multipart_upload() now supports the Tagging-parameter
        * SSM:get_parameters_by_path() now support filtering by label