Moto v2.2.13 Release Notes

  • General:
        * The mock_dynamodb and mock_rds-decorators have been deprecated, and will be repurposed in a later release.
          Please see for more information.
    New Methods:
        * API Gateway:
            * get_base_path_mappings()
        * Cognito Identity:
            * list_identities()
        * DirectoryService:
            * disable_sso()
            * enable_sso()
            * connect_directory()
            * create_alias()
            * create_microsoft_ad()
        * EMR Containers:
            * cancel_job_run()
            * describe_job_run()
            * list_job_runs()
            * start_job_run()
        * IAM:
            * list_policy_tags()
            * tag_policy()
            * untag_policy()
        * Sagemaker:
            * create_processing_job()
            * describe_processing_job()
            * list_processing_jobs()
        * CloudFormation: Now supports creation of Custom:: resources. Note that this only works in ServerMode.