Mezzanine v3.1.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-06-09 // almost 10 years ago
    • Small css fix for settings admin page - Mario Rosa
    • Check if django.contrib.admin is in INSTALLED_APPS. Make sure django.contrib.admin is in INSTALLED_APPS before moving. it to the end of the list. Adding this enables moving admin app. on a different domain - Dovydas Stepanavicius
    • Add language selector in the navigation bar - Mathias Ettinger
    • Generate slug from title for default language instead of active one - Mathias Ettinger
    • rtl: fix margins in admin - Ahmad Khayyat
    • Fix ID check in admin_page_ordering view to prevent some redundant queries - Stephen McDonald
    • Revert bad get_FOO_display change. Closes #1032 - Stephen McDonald
    • Don't strip quotes from twitter template tag args which was only needed in early Django versions. Closes #1034 - Stephen McDonald
    • Remove global signal handlers in mezzanine.generic. Fixes #1036 - Alex Hill
    • Implement a new can_move dynamic page permission. Content types can override can_move() to control whether a given page. move in the page tree is permitted. can_move() should raise a. PageMoveException if the move is denied. PageMoveException takes a. single argument: a message explaining the reason for the denial - Ahmad Khayyat
    • page tree: reload on move exception to revert the tree and display any messages - Ahmad Khayyat
    • Move LazyModelOperations into mezzanine.utils.models - Stephen McDonald
    • Added mezzanine.utils.html.thumbnails to RICHTEXT_FILTERS setting, which converts images within richtext fields into thumbnail references. Closes #567 - Stephen McDonald
    • CSS fixes for send to twitter admin checkobx - Stephen McDonald
    • Document the can_move dynamic permission - Ahmad Khayyat
    • Faster admin left-hand menu animation - Stephen McDonald
    • Show featured images in recent blog posts section - Stephen McDonald