Mezzanine v1.4.7 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-05-17 // almost 11 years ago
    • Added the ACCOUNTS_NO_USERNAME setting, which will hide the username field from signup/update forms, but still generate a unique username for use in profile view slugs - Stephen McDonald
    • Allow querystring vars to be excluded from pagination links - Stephen McDonald
    • Missing migration on site perms. Closes #655 - Stephen McDonald
    • Added support for test - Stephen McDonald
    • Pass in the user to page.get_ascendants in the page view. This will allow previewing of the unpublished children pages of. unpublished parent pages. fixes #653 - Rocky Meza
    • Lowered MAX_POSTS_PER_CALL to 20; Added support for question/answer posts - Jeff Fein-Worton
    • Use a context instance when rendering page menus, huge performance boost - Stephen McDonald
    • Fixed rss import errors - Andrey Zhukov
    • Fixed the igrations to be able to run with a custom user model. This uses a pattern copied from django-reversion: - Rocky Meza
    • Add addr_bcc arg to send_mail_template. This accommodates the new setting SHOP_ORDER_EMAIL_BCC in Cartridge - Alex Hill
    • Fix lookup for username generation when ACCOUNTS_NO_USERNAME is True, closes #664 - Stephen McDonald
    • Fixed 0005 migration wrt custom user models - Rocky Meza
    • Correctly validate float settings in mezzanine.conf - Stephen McDonald
    • Added some validation in the createdb command that fails if a Mezzanine table exists, to prevent people from running it and accidentally faking new migrations that need to be run - Stephen McDonald
    • mezzanine/accounts/templates/email/account_approved.html: removed the extra. "http://" - Alexandre Hajjar
    • Make fabfile work in Windows. Two small changes allow deployment via Fabric from Windows: * Use posixpath.join instead of os.path.join to construct all paths destined for the remote machine. * Check for "" as well as "fab" in sys.argv, to handle the way setuptools-generated command-line scripts work in Windows - Alex Hill
    • Fix urlpattern for archive year - Stephen McDonald
    • Hide printing STATIC_ROOT in deploys - Stephen McDonald
    • Added paragraph to mezzanine/docs/user-accounts.rst about ACCOUNTS_NO_USERNAME. setting - Alexandre Hajjar
    • Used username_label variable in the PasswordResetForm label. (accounts/ - Alexandre Hajjar
    • Pin html5lib, see - Stephen McDonald
    • Added an extra safeguard for type errors in editable settings - Stephen McDonald