

konsole is a simple logger built on top of Python's logging framework that prints to standard error and, if the underlying terminal is amenable to it, does so with the judicious use of bold and light type as well as a dash of color. This package's interface stands on its own, no experience or direct interaction with logging required. At the same time, this package plays equally well with other loggers, just leave console output to it.

Programming language: Python
License: Apache License 2.0
Latest version: v0.5.1

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konsole: readable, pleasing console output

When you are writing a Python command line tool and your head is on fire because of overly rich frameworks that just don’t click.

An interactive Python session using

konsole is a simple logger built on top of Python's logging framework that prints to standard error and, if the underlying terminal is amenable to it, does so with the judicious use of bold and light type as well as a dash of color. This package's interface stands on its own, no experience or direct interaction with logging required. At the same time, this package plays equally well with other loggers, just leave konsole 🙄 console output to it.

Using konsole

In order to use konsole, you need to go through the usual motions of installing

(venv) project % python3 -m pip install konsole

and then importing the package

import konsole

konsole automatically integrates itself with Python’s logging system the first time the module is imported into an application. Notably, it registers a handler that prints messages to standard error with the root logger, replaces the current logger class with a subclass that supports the detail keyword argument, and enables the capture of Python warnings through the logging system.

konsole's public API follows below. It consists of one function to update the configuration, one function to access the __main__ application logger, and six functions to print messages at different priority levels. konsole includes type annotations, which have been validated with mypy.

Configuring konsole

  • Change the minimum level for printing message and/or the flag for forcing colors on/off.

    def config(
        level: Optional[int] = None,
        use_color: Optional[bool] = None,
    ) -> None: ...

    konsole starts out with INFO as minimum level and uses color if standard error is a TTY.

Logging Messages

  • Get the __main__ application logger. konsole uses it for writing messages.

    def logger() -> logging.Logger

    The logger, like any other logger created after the initialization of konsole, supports the detail keyword argument (see below).

  • Log a message at the given level.

    def critical(msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...
    def error(msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...
    def warning(msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...
    def info(msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...
    def debug(msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...
    def log(level: int, msg: str, *args: object, **kwargs: object) -> None: ...

    The message string is the first and only mandatory argument. If the message string contains % format specifiers, the necessary values must follow as positional arguments.

    Valid keyword arguments include those supported by Python's logging framework, notably exc_info for including an exception's stacktrace. They also include detail for supplemental data. konsole prints the mapping, sequence, or scalar value on separate, indented lines after the message but before an exception's stacktrace.

    konsole defines ALL CAPS constants, e.g., WARNING, for the five levels above. They have the same values as the corresponding constants in Python's logging package.

© 2022 Robert Grimm. Subject to Apache 2.0 license. On GitHub. On PyPI.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the konsole README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.