kombu v1.3.0 Release Notes

  • 🚀 :release-date: 2011-10-05 01:00 P.M BST 🚀 :release-by: Ask Solem

    • Broker connection info can be now be specified using URLs

      The broker hostname can now be given as a URL instead, of the format:

      .. code-block:: text


      for example the default broker is expressed as:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//')

      Transport defaults to amqp, and is not required. user, password, port and virtual_host is also not mandatory and will default to the corresponding transports default.

      .. note::

      Note that the path component (virtual_host) always starts with a
      forward-slash.  This is necessary to distinguish between the virtual
      host '' (empty) and '/', which are both acceptable virtual host names.
      A virtual host of '/' becomes::
      .. code-block:: text
      and a virtual host of '' (empty) becomes:
      .. code-block:: text
      So the leading slash in the path component is **always required**.
    • 0️⃣ Now comes with default global connection and producer pools.

      The acquire a connection using the connection parameters from a :class:Connection:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> from kombu import Connection, connections
      >>> connection = Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost//')
      >>> with connections[connection].acquire(block=True):
      ...     # do something with connection

      To acquire a producer using the connection parameters from a :class:Connection:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> from kombu import Connection, producers
      >>> connection = Connection('amqp://guest:guest@localhost//')
      >>> with producers[connection].acquire(block=True):
      ...     producer.publish({'hello': 'world'}, exchange='hello')

      Acquiring a producer will in turn also acquire a connection from the associated pool in connections, so you the number of producers is bound the same limit as number of connections.

      The default limit of 100 connections per connection instance can be changed by doing:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> from kombu import pools
      >>> pools.set_limit(10)

      The pool can also be forcefully closed by doing:

      .. code-block:: pycon

      >>> from kombu import pools
      >>> pool.reset()
    • 0️⃣ SQS Transport: Persistence using SimpleDB is now disabled by default, after reports of unstable SimpleDB connections leading to errors.

    • :class:Producer can now be used as a context manager.

    • Producer.__exit__ now properly calls release instead of close.

      The previous behavior would lead to a memory leak when using the :class:kombu.pools.ProducerPool

    • Now silences all exceptions from import ctypes to match behaviour of the standard Python uuid module, and avoid passing on MemoryError exceptions on SELinux-enabled systems (Issue #52 + Issue #53)

    • amqp is now an alias to the amqplib transport.

    • 0️⃣ kombu.syn.detect_environment now returns 'default', 'eventlet', or 'gevent' depending on what monkey patches have been installed.

    • Serialization registry has new attribute type_to_name so it is possible to lookup serializater name by content type.

    • Exchange argument to Producer.publish can now be an :class:Exchange instance.

    • 👍 compat.Publisher now supports the channel keyword argument.

    • Acking a message on some transports could lead to :exc:KeyError being raised (Issue #57).

    • Connection pool: Connections are no long instantiated when the pool is created, but instantiated as needed instead.

    • ✅ Tests now pass on PyPy.

    • Connection.as_uri now includes the password if the keyword argument include_password is set.

    • Virtual transports now comes with a default default_connection_params attribute.

    .. _version-1.2.1: