huey v1.1.0 Release Notes

    • Big changes to simplify the way Huey is instantiated. No changes should be necessary if already using RedisHuey.
    • 🔨 Refactored the storage APIs and simplified the public interface. There is now a single object, whereas before there were 4 components (queue, result store, scheduler and event emitter).
    • ➕ Added methods for retrieving and introspecting the pending task queue, the schedule, results, and errors.
    • Errors can now be stored, in addition to regular task results.
    • ➕ Added metadata methods for tracking task execution, errors, task duration, and more. These will be the building blocks for tools to provide some insight into the inner-workings of your consumers and producers.
    • Many new events are emitted by the consumer, and some have parameters. These are documented here.