H2O v3.32.0.3 Release Notes

  • πŸš€ Download at: http://h2o-release.s3.amazonaws.com/h2o/rel-zermelo/3/index.html

    πŸ› Bug

    [PUBDEV-7773] - The pca_impl parameter is no longer passed to PCA MOJO. 🚚 [PUBDEV-7896] - Objects to be retained no longer removed during the h2o.removeAll() command. [PUBDEV-7902] - Starting GridSearch in a fresh cluster with new hyperparameters that overlap old ones will no longer cause the old models to be trained again. 0️⃣ [PUBDEV-7914] - GridSearch no longer hangs indefinitely when not using the default value for paralellism. πŸ›  [PUBDEV-7921] - Fixed the parent dir lookup for HDFS grid imports. βœ… [PUBDEV-7928] - Fixed the CustomDistribution test error.

    πŸ†• New Feature

    [PUBDEV-5923] - Cross-Validation predictions can now be saved alongside the model. πŸ‘ [PUBDEV-7269] - Added multinomial and grid search support for AUC/PR AUC metrics. [PUBDEV-7861] - Now offers a standalone R client that doesn’t include the h2o jar. 🐳 [PUBDEV-7871] - Created a Red Hat certification for H2O Docker Image. πŸ›  [PUBDEV-7880] - Fixed randomized split points for histogram_type=β€œRandom” when nbins=2.
    πŸ“œ [PUBDEV-7916] - Single quote regime for CSV parser exposed for importing & uploading files.

    πŸ‘Œ Improvement

    [PUBDEV-7753] - REST API disabled on non-leader Kubernetes nodes. πŸ–¨ [PUBDEV-7875] - GLM now uses proper logging instead of printlines.

    πŸ“„ Docs

    [PUBDEV-7822] -
    βž• Added non-tree-based models to the variable importance page in the user guide. ⚑️ [PUBDEV-7869] - Updated the AutoML citation in the User Guide to point to the H2O AutoML ICML AutoML workshop paper. ⚑️ [PUBDEV-7882] - Updated Python docstring examples about cross-validation. [PUBDEV-7905] - Corrected k parameter description for PCA. [PUBDEV-7922] - Corrected the RuleFit Python example.