django-crispy-forms v1.1.0 Release Notes

    • Fixing produced html by a checkbox field, closing label the right way and rendering checkbox in the right place.
    • Passing full context to field rendering, to be consistent and having access in field.html template to helper attributes.
    • Custom helper attributes can now be set and will be part of templates context, this way you can define custom specific behavior.
    • Adding @kennethlove bootstrap template pack into django-crispy-forms core.
    • Adding CRISPY_TEMPLATE_PACK setting variable to easily switch between different template packs. Default template pack is now bootstrap.
    • Upgrading bootstrap templates, fixing some bugs and redoing the hierarchy.
    • Upgrading tests for multiple template packs.
    • Renaming UNIFORM_FAIL_SILENTLY setting variable to CRISPY_FAIL_SILENTLY, upgrading migration instructions.
    • Redoing bootstrap field.html template to render radioselect and checkboxselectmultiple Django widgets a la bootstrap.
    • Adding a render_unmentioned_fields helper attribute, that renders all fields in a form, no matter what the layout is. Default is False.
    • Adding a |css_class filter that renders field classes in an elegant way.
    • Turning |with_class filter into {% crispy_field %} tag, so that parameters for rendering the field can be passed.
    • Adding a help_text_inline helper attribute, that controls whether to render help texts in bootstrap with "help-inline" or "help-block".
    • Adding a flat_attrs variable to the context passed to field.html to be able to do all kind of html attributes when rendering a field, using Field layout object.
    • Adding a template kwarg to Field layout object that allows to override template used for rendering a field.
    • Adding a module that holds bootstrap specific layout objects, for higher bootstrap integration.
    • Adding a AppendedText, PrependedText and FormActions bootstrap layout objects. First two based in polyvalent Field layout object.