astropy v4.0.4 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-11-24 // over 3 years ago
  • 🐛 Bug Fixes


    • The norm() method for RadialDifferential no longer requires base to be specified. The norm() method for other non-Cartesian differential classes now gives a clearer error message if base is not specified. [#10969]

    • The transformations between ICRS and any of the heliocentric ecliptic frames (HeliocentricMeanEcliptic, HeliocentricTrueEcliptic, and HeliocentricEclipticIAU76) now correctly account for the small motion of the Sun when transforming a coordinate with velocity information. [#10970] ^

    • 🐎 Partially fixed a performance issue when reading in parallel mode. Parallel reading currently has substantially worse performance than the default serial reading, so we now ignore the parallel option and fall back to serial reading. [#10880]

    • 🛠 Fixed a bug where "" (blank string) as input data for a boolean type column was causing an exception instead of indicating a masked value. As a consequence of the fix, the values "0" and "1" are now also allowed as valid inputs for boolean type columns. These new allowed values apply for both ECSV and for basic character-delimited data files ('basic' format with appropriate converters specified). [#10995]

    astropy.modeling ^

    • 🛠 Fixed use of weights with LinearLSQFitter. [#10687]

    astropy.stats ^

    • 🛠 Fixed an issue in biweight stats when MAD=0 to give the same output with and without an input axis. [#10912]

    astropy.time ^

    • 🛠 Fix a problem with the plot_date format for matplotlib >= 3.3 caused by a change in the matplotlib plot date default reference epoch in that release. [#10876]

    • 👌 Improve initialization time by a factor of four when creating a scalar Time object in a format like unix or cxcsec (time delta from a reference epoch time). [#10406]


    • 🛠 Fixed the caclulation of the tight bounding box of a WCSAxes. This should also significantly improve the application of tight_layout() to figures containing WCSAxes. [#10797]