asciimatics v1.13.0 Release Notes

    • ➕ Added ability to change a Button's text through a .text attribute.
    • ➕ Added ability to accept a name attribute in the Button and Label constructors.
    • ➕ Added ability to detect job pause/resume and force full screen refresh.
    • ➕ Added ability to request terminal default colours using Screen.COLOUR_DEFAULT.
    • 📦 Converted widgets to a sub-package.
    • 🛠 Fixed issue with labels in a layout column preventing buttons from being pressed.
    • 🛠 Fixed issue with visual overrun on Listboxes when there is a label offset.
    • 🛠 Fixed issue with TextBox hitting IndexError in double buffers due to lack of clipping.
    • 🛠 Fixed issue with Text/TextBox start columns on reset.
    • ➕ Added troubleshooting on terminal colour handling.