All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
36 days
Latest Release
1313 days ago

Changelog History
Page 1

  • v0.10.3 Changes

    November 11, 2020


  • v0.10.2

    November 11, 2020
  • v0.10.1

    November 10, 2020
  • v0.10.0

    November 08, 2020
  • v0.7.0 Changes

    April 10, 2020

    ๐Ÿš€ See for the blog post accompanying this release.

    ๐Ÿš€ The over-arching theme of this release was focusing on improving PyOxidizer's compatibility with various packages. It has done so by:

    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Supporting loading extension modules from standalone files.
    • Reusing pre-compiled extension modules in Python binary wheels
    • ๐Ÿ‘ Better support for loading Python resources from the filesystem
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved handling of Python package resource files
    • ๐ŸŽ‰ Initial support for package distribution metadata (.dist-info and .egg-info directories)
    • ๐Ÿ‘€ And lots more. See the full changelog at
  • v0.6.0 Changes

    February 13, 2020

    ๐Ÿš€ This is a relatively minor release. The full changelog is at

    ๐Ÿš€ Meaningful changes in this release are:

    • The pyembed crate is now published on and can be used like any other crate.
    • We now use the upstream cpython crate instead of a fork of it.
    • ๐Ÿ”ง Embedded Python interpreters can now be configured to run a file (in addition to executing code, a module, etc).

    This release also lays the groundwork for different Python distribution flavors. The goal of this work is to support other Python distribution types instead of the highly opinionated statically linked distributions we currently require. For example, we want to eventually support using existing Python distributions discovered from the filesystem as well as distributions that use more traditional dynamic linking. These features will materialize in a future release.

  • v0.5.1

    January 27, 2020
  • v0.5.0 Changes

    January 27, 2020

    ๐Ÿš€ This release of PyOxidizer is significant rewrite of the previous version.
    The impetus for the rewrite is to transition from TOML to Starlark
    ๐Ÿ”ง configuration files. The new configuration file format should allow
    ๐Ÿ— vastly greater flexibility for building applications and will unlock a
    world of new possibilities.

    ๐Ÿ”ง The transition to Starlark configuration files represented a shift from
    ๐Ÿ”จ static configuration to something more dynamic. This required refactoring
    a ton of code.

    ๐Ÿ”จ As part of refactoring code, we took the opportunity to shore up lots
    of the code base. PyOxidizer was the project author's first real Rust
    project and a lot of bad practices (such as use of .unwrap()/panics)
    were prevalent. The code mostly now has proper error handling. Another
    ๐Ÿ†• new addition to the code is unit tests. While coverage still isn't
    โœ… great, we now have tests performing meaningful packaging activities.
    So regressions should hopefully be less common going forward.

    ๐Ÿš€ Because of the scale of the rewritten code in this release, it is expected
    that there are tons of bugs of regressions. This will likely be a transitional
    ๐Ÿš€ release with a more robust release to follow.

  • v0.4.0

    October 28, 2019
  • v0.3.0

    August 17, 2019