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Package Management packages

Showing projects tagged as Package Management

  • Poetry

    9.6 9.6 Python
    Python packaging and dependency management made easy
  • pip

    9.2 9.8 L2 Python
    The Python package installer
  • conda

    8.6 9.8 L3 Python
    A system-level, binary package and environment manager running on all major operating systems and platforms.
  • pip-tools

    8.4 8.9 L5 Python
    A set of tools to keep your pinned Python dependencies fresh.
  • PDM

    8.2 9.6 Python
    A modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standards
  • dephell

    5.8 7.6 Python
    DISCONTINUED. :package: :fire: Python project management. Manage packages: convert between formats, lock, install, resolve, isolate, test, build graph, show outdated, audit. Manage venvs, build package, bump version.
  • rez

    5.2 8.9 Python
    An integrated package configuration, build and deployment system for software
  • Curdling

    2.7 0.0 L5 Python
    Concurrent package manager for Python
  • wheel

    2.0 3.9 HTML
    Adoption analysis of Python Wheels:
  • Cilantropy

    1.4 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. :four_leaf_clover: Cilantropy is a Python Package Manager interface created to provide an "easy-to-use" visual and also a command-line interface for Pythonistas. Works great on windows, linux, macos :star: