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Job Scheduler packages

Showing projects tagged as Job Scheduler

  • Prefect

    9.3 10.0 Python
    The easiest way to build, run, and monitor data pipelines at scale.
  • schedule

    9.0 5.2 L4 Python
    Python job scheduling for humans.
  • APScheduler

    8.2 9.1 Python
    Task scheduling library for Python
  • Joblib

    7.3 7.7 L3 Python
    Computing with Python functions.
  • Spiff

    6.0 8.8 L3 Python
    A powerful workflow engine implemented in pure Python
  • doit

    5.7 0.0 L3 Python
    task management & automation tool
  • Plan

    4.8 0.0 L4 Python
    Crontab jobs management in Python
  • django-schedule

    4.8 0.0 L3 Python
    A calendaring app for Django. It is now stable, Please feel free to use it now. Active development has been taken over by bartekgorny.
  • gunnery

    4.1 0.0 L5 Python
    Remote task execution tool
  • TaskFlow

    3.3 7.4 L4 Python
    A library to complete workflows/tasks in HA manner. Mirror of code maintained at