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High Performance packages

Showing projects tagged as High Performance

  • Cython

    8.9 9.8 L2 Python
    The most widely used Python to C compiler
  • PyPy

    8.1 -
    An implementation of Python in Python. The interpreter uses black magic to make Python very fast without having to add in additional type information.
  • dramatiq

    7.4 7.7 Python
    A fast and reliable background task processing library for Python 3.
  • Interactive Parallel Computing with IPython

    7.4 8.0 L3 Jupyter Notebook
    IPython Parallel: Interactive Parallel Computing in Python
  • Pyston

    6.2 2.6 L2 Python
    A faster and highly-compatible implementation of the Python programming language.
  • PeachPy

    6.0 0.0 L2 Python
    x86-64 assembler embedded in Python
  • Pyjion

    5.8 4.0 L1 C++
    DISCONTINUED. A JIT for Python based upon CoreCLR
  • bcolz

    4.7 0.0 C
    DISCONTINUED. A columnar data container that can be compressed.
  • cppimport

    4.7 0.0 L4 Python
    Import C++ files directly from Python!
  • Stackless Python

    0.5 -
    An enhanced version of the Python.