









30 Database Drivers packages and projects

  • redis-py

    9.3 8.9 L3 Python
    Redis Python client
  • pymssql

    4.9 8.6 L4 Python
    Official home for the pymssql source code.
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  • psycopg2

    7.2 6.8 L3 C
    PostgreSQL database adapter for the Python programming language
  • cassandra-python-driver

    6.1 7.2 L2 Python
    DataStax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
  • PyMongo

    3.9 8.4 L5 Python
    MongoDB Ecosystem Documentation
  • kafka-python

    8.4 6.4 Python
    Python client for Apache Kafka
  • apsw

    4.1 9.6 L2 Python
    Another Python SQLite wrapper
  • asyncpg

    8.2 6.8 L4 Python
    A fast PostgreSQL Database Client Library for Python/asyncio.
  • dataset

    7.7 4.6 L5 Python
    Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transactions.
  • mysqlclient

    6.6 7.3 L3 Python
    MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support)
  • motor

    6.4 8.4 Python
    Motor - the async Python driver for MongoDB and Tornado or asyncio
  • awesome-postgres

    8.8 6.1
    A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources, inspired by awesome-mysql
  • Plyvel

    3.6 5.4 L4 Cython
    Plyvel, a fast and feature-rich Python interface to LevelDB
  • PyMySQL

    8.7 7.0 L4 Python
    MySQL client library for Python
  • awesome-mysql

    6.6 1.8
    A curated list of awesome MySQL software, libraries, tools and resources
  • queries

    2.8 0.0 L5 Python
    PostgreSQL database access simplified
  • Python PG Extras

    1.2 0.0 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Python PostgreSQL database performance insights. Locks, index usage, buffer cache hit ratios, vacuum stats and more.
  • HappyBase

    4.2 4.1 L5 Python
    A developer-friendly Python library to interact with Apache HBase
  • txRedis

    2.3 0.0 L4 Python
    A Redis client library for Twisted Python
  • mysql-python

    1.1 0.0 L4 Python
    MySQLdb is a Python DB API-2.0 compliant library to interact with MySQL 3.23-5.1 (unofficial mirror)
  • txpostgres

    2.0 2.7 L4 Python
    Twisted wrapper for asynchronous PostgreSQL connections
  • SuperSQLite

    3.8 0.0 Python
    A supercharged SQLite library for Python
  • oursql

    1.5 0.0 L2 C
    oursql is a set of MySQL bindings for python with a focus on wrapping the MYSQL_STMT API to provide real parameterization and real server-side cursors.
  • pycassa

    4.2 0.0 L2 Python
    DISCONTINUED. Python Thrift driver for Cassandra.
  • py2neo

    1.6 0.0 L4 Python
    Py2neo is a comprehensive toolkit for working with Neo4j from within Python applications or from the command line.
  • telephus

    2.1 0.0 L2 Python
    Telephus is a connection pooled, low-level client API for Cassandra in Twisted python.
  • awesome-sqlite

    2.9 3.6
    A collection of awesome sqlite tools, scripts, books, etc
  • sqlite3

    3.4 0.0 C
    Python DB-API module for SQLite 3.
  • clickhouse-driver

    5.0 7.3 Python
    ClickHouse Python Driver with native interface support
  • django-pgtrigger

    3.4 6.6 Python
    Write Postgres triggers for your Django models

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