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375 days
Latest Release
2601 days ago

Changelog History

  • v1.0 Changes

    April 18, 2017

    πŸš€ This release marks the convergence of development into a stable, reference release of the framework and a shift into maintenance mode. Let's review the progress culminating in our 1.0:

    • research: nearly 4,000 citations, usage by award papers at CVPR/ECCV/ICCV, and tutorials at ECCV'14 and CVPR'15
    • industry: adopted by Facebook, NVIDIA, Intel, Sony, Yahoo! Japan, Samsung, Adobe, A9, Siemens, Pinterest, the Embedded Vision Alliance, and more
    • community: 250+ contributors, 15k+ subscribers on github, and 7k+ members of the mailing list
    • 🏁 development: 10k+ forks, >1 contribution/day on average, and dedicated branches for OpenCL and Windows
    • ⚑️ downloads: 10k+ downloads and updates a month, ~50k unique visitors to the home page every two weeks, and >100k unique downloads of the reference models
    • winner of the ACM MM open source award 2014 and presented as a talk at ICML MLOSS 2015

    Thanks for all of your efforts leading us to Caffe 1.0! Your part in development, community, feedback, and framework usage brought us here. As part of 1.0 we will be welcoming collaborators old and new to join as members of the Caffe core.

    Stay tuned for the next steps in DIY deep learning with Caffe. As development is never truly done, there's always 1.1!

    Now that 1.0 is done, the next generation of the frameworkβ€”Caffe2β€”is ready to keep up the progress on DIY deep learning in research and industry. While Caffe 1.0 development will continue with 1.1, Caffe2 is the new framework line for future development led by Yangqing Jia. Although Caffe2 is a departure from the development line of Caffe 1.0, we are planning a migration path for models just as we have future-proofed Caffe models in the past.

    Happy brewing,
    The Caffe Crew

    🍱 β˜•οΈ

  • v0.9999 Changes

    August 08, 2014

    πŸ‘€ See #880 for details.

    Dependencies : lmdb and gflags are required. CPU-only Caffe without any GPU / CUDA dependencies is turned on by setting CPU_ONLY := 1 in your Makefile.config.

    πŸ—„ Deprecations : the new caffe tool includes commands for model training and testing, querying devices, and timing models. The corresponding train_net.bin, finetune_net.bin, test_net.bin, device_query.bin, and net_speed_benchmark.bin are deprecated.

  • v0.999 Changes

    May 20, 2014

    πŸ‘€ See #429 for details.

    ⬆️ Please upgrade your models! Caffe's proto definition was changed in #208 and #219 for extensibility. The upgrade_net_proto_binary.bin and upgrade_net_proto_text.bin tools are provided to convert current models. Caffe will attempt to automagically upgrade old models when loaded, but doesn't save the changes.

    ⚑️ Update your Makefile.config! Caffe has a new Makefile and Makefile.config that learned to auto-configure themselves a bit better. Look at the new Makefile.config.example and update your configuration accordingly.

    Dependencies : Caffe's matrix and vector computations can be done with ATLAS, OpenBLAS, or MKL. The hard dependency on MKL is no more!

    πŸ—„ Deprecation : V0 model definitions. While Caffe will try to automagically upgrade old models when loaded, see tools/upgrade_net_proto* to make the permanent upgrade since this will be dropped.

  • v0.99 Changes

    March 20, 2014

    πŸ‘€ See #231 for details.

    πŸ†• New Dependency : hdf5 is now required. Caffe learned how to load blobs and (multiple!) labels from hdf5.

    • sudo apt-get install libhdf5-serial-dev for ubuntu.
    • brew install homebrew/science/hdf5 for osx.

    πŸ—„ Deprecation : padding layers. See 2848aa1 for an example of how to update your model schema and note that an automated tool is coming for this and other model schema updates #219.